Opal has a girl…

Opal has a girl…

She is known simply by my better half as “my Opal.” And may the powers that be rise to protect you if you are foolish enough to speak ill of her in Jennifer’s presence! CCNF Opal, a 2-time black Futurity Champion is one of the small group of dark Snowmass Nova daughters that we still…

Welcome little one…

Welcome little one…

We had our first cria of 2013 born on Tuesday morning, though not without some drama. Oh no, wouldn’t want the first birth in almost 6 months to be routine and easy. What fun would that be after all? As luck would have it our retired Champion show girl, La Vie en Rose, whose 11…

Herd Health Days

Herd Health Days

I think we just set a speed record for a full herd health session with all 230 animals getting their Ivomec shots, any scheduled vaccines, ADE paste (in the case of anyone < 1 year of age), as well as their bi-monthly toe nail trims over the course of a couple of days. With the…