All together now…

All together now…

We woke up this morning to a winter wonderland. Though it was difficult to tell exactly how much snow last night’s blizzard had left us because of the wind having blown it all over the place, it sure felt like +/- 18″. Let’s put it this way: the snow drifts were so severe that our…

Grab your ice skates boys and girls (and maybe your life preserver too) and tie your hats down!

Grab your ice skates boys and girls (and maybe your life preserver too) and tie your hats down!

I’ve already had to reboot my computer three times while trying to get even this dopey little post written because the power keeps flicking on and off. Sheesh. I am a stubborn fool though. We know it’s windy out when we can hear the gusts buffeting this house. Built just under two years ago the house…

Building Discontent

So we will see if our cleanup crew is still speaking to us in a few days. After multiple local stories of buildings and barns collapsing under the weight of the recent snowfall, we decided yesterday that the buildup on the Arena’s southern shed roof needed to come off. Unfortunately the only method that would…