So that’s why we have a warm room!

The warm room at the Arena pretty much paid for itself today. Jen went up to do morning check this morning at 6AM and found that Blossom had given birth to a happy, healthy, dark fawn female. That the baby was up and walking with mom’s placenta already expelled and cold means that it was most likely born somewhere between 4 and 4:30 AM. Safe to say that had that all happened out in the regular animal pens, we would most likely have been dealing with a beautiful little criasicle instead given that temperatures here were in the 20s overnight. I guess we’d rather be lucky than smart, having just moved Blossom and her compatriot, Juliet, into the the WR about five days ago. In any case all’s well that ends well, we only wish that they could all be born that easily! For those keeping track of the score at home, this was the second dark colored cria sired by Avenger, who is white,  in as many tries. Both little girls have in fact been darker than their dams. He is a curious little fart. While it’s obviously way too small of a sample to draw any conclusions, it is raising an eye brow or two here nonetheless.