Settling in…

As I write this on early Friday afternoon there is technically snow falling outside of my office window. Though I am an enthusiastic alpine skier, I can’t claim to be totally happy about this. I suspect my psychological state, at least this time of the year, consistently lags behind the local climactic reality by at…

Better safe…

So the warm spell of about 10 days ago is mostly just a memory now as we don hats, gloves, and long underwear (if we’re smart) anytime we go out to work in the barns. I made the mistake of stepping outside yesterday for a farm visit without gloves on and found myself chattering my…

Farm shift

The large group of females on the outer paddocks atop the farm came back into the Arena today, another sure sign that the days are getting shorter and colder weather is upon us. That feed group, which starts outside for the first time in the late spring just after shearing, was originally as many as…

Herd health, herd smealth

So we whacked out an (almost) full sized version of herd health day yesterday in under 6 hours. Under 5 hours actually if you don’t count lunch. Dare I say it was almost enjoyable? There is no doubt that, in this case especially, many hands made light work though. Having already tended late last week…

Herd Health Days

Herd Health Days

I think we just set a speed record for a full herd health session with all 230 animals getting their Ivomec shots, any scheduled vaccines, ADE paste (in the case of anyone < 1 year of age), as well as their bi-monthly toe nail trims over the course of a couple of days. With the…