C-section update…

Boheme and her daughter Musette enjoy the sunshine (and some green grass) off the south side of the CCNF Arena earlier today.

Big news two days ago when we found out that our super female, La Boheme, was pregnant again for the first time since giving birth to her daughter Musette via cesarean section! “Giving birth” might not quite be the best turn of phrase here given the drama that was involved at the time but you get the idea nonetheless. In any case, for those uninformed about the happenings that fateful day in May, you can read about them here and here. Though it’s obviously a little early to get too excited, the fact that we had a normal looking 17 day pregnancy looking at us on our ultrasound machine almost exactly 2 months after Musette’s birthday, and achieved on single breeding no less, is undoubtedly a step in the right direction. Jen had a brief word with Boheme about the virtues of a normal presentation and birth next time around (namely that it wouldn’t involve cutting any holes in her side and bleeding a lot), so here’s hoping she listens. Fingers are crossed…

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