A final gift

A final gift

After making us sweat for several weeks Saphira finally had her first cria yesterday afternoon. It was the sort of uneventful maiden birth that makes you think she’d always known how to do that. “Thanks for watching but I’ve really got things all under control here folks!” Her 11 month due date, even before which…

Back home

Just got home late yesterday morning and hit the ground running. The females in the due group apparently were waiting to have their head-midwife nearby before letting the flood gates open as we had two crias born just while we were in route home from Boston, then another came this AM too. It’s good to…

A grudge we can live with

So after a week of some pretty intense birth/death/birth/death/birth pendulum swings we were thrilled when one of our foundation females just had a good old run of the mill delivery. No drama, no intrigue. Just a normal, healthy, and pretty interesting looking King of Ladies boy. Hurrah for boring. Not that we were allowed to get…

Never a dull moment

The funny thing was that we were supposed to have a quick and easy herd health day last Sunday in a month when all we had to do was shots and body scoring. In the normal course of things that should have taken us maybe 5 cumulative hours to go through the 220 +/- animals…