Early Summer Roundup

Early Summer Roundup

Unloading the mental desk drawer of the CCNF blogger while wondering which alpaca female it is that I forgot to get bred this morning…’cause it’s that time of year. We got home on Monday evening from a fantastic 2 week family adventure to Norway. A June/July trip with our boys has become a regular and…

Change o’ Plans…

For several years now, your loyal (if lately less frequent) blogger has sabre-rattled about skipping the Futurity Show, in favor of spending our kids’ April break together, doing something other than driving 40+ hours round-trip and showing alpacas on the same weekend that more often than not has coincided with our elder son’s birthday. Now,…

Winter Meanderings

Winter Meanderings

  It sure has been a strange winter here in Vermont so far. While alpaca friends of ours as far south as Maryland had 3 feet of snow fall in a single event a couple of weeks back — I still feel that the Weather Channel’s insistence on naming winter storms, mostly so that they…

Late summer meanderings.

Random musings from a long neglectful alpaca blogger as the leaves show their first little twinge of color here on the farm… 1. Had a great time at the Breeders Edge auction 2 weeks ago now, though I will freely admit that I mostly wimped out on wearing the long wig that I had brought…