Herd health, herd smealth

So we whacked out an (almost) full sized version of herd health day yesterday in under 6 hours. Under 5 hours actually if you don’t count lunch. Dare I say it was almost enjoyable? There is no doubt that, in this case especially, many hands made light work though. Having already tended late last week…



Sorry to have been off of the radar screen recently. Though I try to post something new here at least once every week, end of the summer craziness combined with a virus that laid the resident blogger low for almost 10 days all conspired together.  In any case, with our kiddos having returned to school…

Adventures in birthing

Adventures in birthing

What were you doing Wednesday morning @ 6AM? Personally, I was snuggled all nice and cozy underneath the quilt on our bed in that lovely state of semi-consciousness one gets to experience when you have already woken up but are just lying there thinking about the day ahead or perhaps, more importantly, nothing at all….



The alpacas here at CCNF could care less that their herd manager has been off for the past week making wedding vows, changing her name, and  doing all that gooey cuddly stuff that newlyweds do like staring into each other’s eyes just because they can (hey, been there, done that: it’s pretty great actually…but I…

C-section update…

C-section update…

Big news two days ago when we found out that our super female, La Boheme, was pregnant again for the first time since giving birth to her daughter Musette via cesarean section! “Giving birth” might not quite be the best turn of phrase here given the drama that was involved at the time but you…

Cria grafting again

Cria grafting again

So there we were on Thursday all excited because our former show girl, Isabella Star, had just given birth to her 2nd cria ever and was actually letting the little guy nurse.  You see her first cria from last year — the one and only infamous Booger, who it should be noted is now down…