Thank You!

Thank You!

We just had a fantastic weekend in Bend, Oregon at the Snow Diamond Select auction! Thank you to the Greene family of Snow Diamond Alpacas for including us in their lovely event! While the sale was of course the primary reason for returning to Bend, we had also been invited to come and stay over…

Better safe…

So the warm spell of about 10 days ago is mostly just a memory now as we don hats, gloves, and long underwear (if we’re smart) anytime we go out to work in the barns. I made the mistake of stepping outside yesterday for a farm visit without gloves on and found myself chattering my…

Adventures in birthing

Adventures in birthing

What were you doing Wednesday morning @ 6AM? Personally, I was snuggled all nice and cozy underneath the quilt on our bed in that lovely state of semi-consciousness one gets to experience when you have already woken up but are just lying there thinking about the day ahead or perhaps, more importantly, nothing at all….