Farm shift

The large group of females on the outer paddocks atop the farm came back into the Arena today, another sure sign that the days are getting shorter and colder weather is upon us. That feed group, which starts outside for the first time in the late spring just after shearing, was originally as many as…

Go forth and eat grass

The exodus from the winter/spring dry lots has begun in earnest here at CCNF. After more than a month of having to keep animals off of the pastures at the Main Barn for reasons mostly related to keeping their fleeces clean, Sunday there was a mass stampede as all of the feed groups charged out…

A funny thing happened on the way to the sugar float (AKA fun with parasite management)

Oh the joy that is parasite management on an alpaca farm! Jen and Kim have spent the past several weeks meticulously going through the entire herd, one feed group at a time, doing fecal tests on every alpaca on the farm. Unfortunately there is no cool and easy way to get those individual samples other…