Chipping away

So what were the odds of us hitting another pot hole and wrecking another tire on our Prius? Pretty slim I would say but we still managed to do it again. On another date night no less. Is our Toyota a prude, passing moral judgement on us?  It only took us 15 minutes this time to change the tire ourselves though. Ha! All it meant today was that our herd health make-up got off to a later start this morning than we had planned while we drove the car and it’s funny looking spare tire over to the dealership.

Though we could have tackled the joyous prospect of the Arena and the 1200 or so toenails within it yesterday we elected to postpone that all for today seeing as how yesterday the sun was actually out allowing us to take on a few of the untrained weaners that are headed out to the NAAS at the end of the month. The “us” is question is in fact at this juncture primarily Ms. Kimberly McAllister. Though Jen will step in and help in the round pen whenever there is a particularly tough nut to crack (some animals just respond better to a particular person’s energy), Kimmy will handle most of the initial round pen and halter work herself with Jen and myself entering the picture after the fact to just walk the newly trained animals, reinforcing what they have already learned.

Though I theoretically can take a raw, untrained alpaca and teach it how to stand, walk on a slack lead, be touched and show its teeth without spazzing out, etc…the fact of the matter is that I am known for many things on this farm. An overriding sense of calm and patience is, alas, not one of them. In any case there are 3 weaners down and 17 to go. I even heard a rumor it was going to stop raining again. On Sunday.