House cleaning between commutes!

CCNF Queracucha (SuperNova x CCNF Starlit)

Yours truly has spent the last few days playing glorified chauffeur to my kids while Jen is off at the ARI genetic conference in Houston. Thursday I think I spent 3.5 hours in the car: they are lucky they’re cute!

I’ve been doing a bit of tidying up on our website yesterday and today during those rare precious hours at home, specifically updating our our sales listings. The addition of more pet males (I promised there were more didn’t I?) as well as three new younger female listings: Queracucha, Sovereign Gemm, and Moonstruck. I’ve also updated Chalice’s listing to reflect her current status, price, and future breeding (Matrix Majesty). Though she’s got competition, her little girl born the other day may be the #1 kid on the farm as of this writing…

In any case as a reward for having completed the updates above, the boys and I are headed off to the local driving range and mini put-put facility this evening where we shall proceed to (badly) hit several bucket of balls. Just don’t stand too close: we honestly have no idea where the golf balls are headed. There might even be a beer or two in my future as well!