Mop-up duty

The cria-making season is quickly winding down here. I can tell you with some assurance that the final scheduled breeding of 2011 will be on December 1st. There are however a couple of females we may end up having to make exceptions for beyond that date because of some special circumstances. All things being equal though, it would be nice to not be doing cria checks when the winter solstice rolls around next year. We shall see. The one and only Opal was treated yesterday for a uterine infection and it remains to be seen how soon she’ll be cleared for breeding action again. Though none of us here relish the idea of more cold weather births, with her preferred boyfriend headed back west early next spring, we may not really have much of a choice. Plus she’s my wife’s personal pet so quite frankly she lives by her own set of rules anyway. I mean, who am I kidding?

In the mean time, his Majesty has also been getting a shot at breeding our colored yearling show string, all with the understanding that it may just not be their time yet. If any of them actually get pregnant that obviously would be a bonus though if not, there will always a plan B next season.  I don’t know about where everyone else lives but here it was around 20 degrees when I hauled the lucky bugger up the hill to the Main Barn this morning for a play date. You know it’s getting too cold for alpaca sex when your hands are getting numb. Unfortunately the cold also seemed to put a damper on his libido to say nothing of my patience for his seeming lack of enthusiasm. I mean how could I think of subjecting him to such a cruel fate? A different day, a different show girl. Oh, the slings and arrows. Thankfully with a little encouragement from one if his male peers, his gusto returned and he was able to leave behind his inner Ferdinand for at least 10 minutes or so.