On Deck

There has been a shift in the daily schedule here necessitated by the time of year. Specifically there are females that are now 10.5 months removed from the date on which they were bred. Though the average gestation here has historically gone some 11 months and 10 days or so we have learned the hard way that some of our females will birth out quite early and it’s best to be prepared. So after 5+ months of not looking out for newborns we are again doing early morning checks at 6AM as well as a final bed checks at 9PM.

Our first official due date isn’t until 4/30 and though Star Saphire could well birth out tomorrow, she could just as easily hold onto her baby through our scheduled shearing days of 5/5-5/8 and beyond. In any case there are 7 females currently residing in our expectant mother pen up at the Arena which is intentionally located in close proximity to the barn’s warm room should it be cold enough to require a little TLC right after birth. Amongst the expected crias from that first group are our first 2 King of the Ladies kids (including one out of Savannah and Avenger’s dam, CP Stacey) as well as one of SuperNova’s last pregnancies ever out of our beloved Archangel daughter, Pristine, who had failed to hold her first pregnancy the year before making her a first time expectant mom at 3.5 years of age. Now we wait.