Research conducted at CCNF published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science

CCNF Exuberant Frost Blossom-ET at Cas-Cad-Nac Farm, July, 2020.

We are pleased to announce that the peer-reviewed journal, Frontiers in Veterinary Science, has published the article titled “Birth of a Live Cria After Transfer of a Vitrified-Warmed Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) Preimplantation Embryo.” Though the conception, vitrification, implantation, and birth of CCNF Exuberant Frost Blossom-ET (that being the registered name of the cria that resulted, see picture above) took place here at Cas-Cad-Nac after much trial and error, this truly was a team effort spanning most of our country and two hemispheres, with embryo-transfer (ET) and vitrification research being concurrently done in Peru, expanding the knowledge base that ultimately led to the breakthrough here in Vermont. Though my better half, Jennifer Lutz, is listed as the lead author of the article, none of this would have been possible without the hard work, help, advice, and experience of her co-authors Susan Johnson (who we count ourselves as lucky to have as our day-to-day veterinarian), Kimberly Duprey (Herd Health Manager here at CCNF), Paul Taylor (Jennifer’s original teacher and mentor in the world of Camelid ET work), Henry William Vivanco-Mackie, Daniel Ponce-Salazar, Marlene Miguel-Gonzales, and last but certainly not least, Professor Curtis Youngs of Iowa State University who was Jennifer’s on the ground mentor as they together worked out the best way to bring a previously vitrified alpaca embryo into this world as a live cria. Congratulations to all of those involved!

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