Reworking the Twitter account

On days like this one I realize that there will be very little time to sit and write down anything worthy of your time. Unless of course you enjoy punch-drunk brain drivel. In any case I renamed my Twitter account @CCNFAlpacas (it was CCNFVT before) to make it a bit easier for alpaca folk to find it and have figured out how to post pictures as well so that images of new crias, farm sceness, etc…can be posted there on days when I am reduced to pile of gelatinous goo. The home page for that account can found here. I’m also going to be figuring out in the coming days how to get those tweets to cross-post both here and on the farm’s Facebook page.

Apropos of nothing and at the risk of making my second Wizard of Oz reference in less than 48 hours I give you the photos below from June 15th. I had had big plans to use them while we were away but being the ugly, spoiled American I couldn’t bring myself to spend the $15 our hotel in Guayaquil wanted for WiFi. They’re still kind of cool shots though. Photo credits to Jen, BTW…