Getting our trans fat on

So by my calculations when we call it quits for the year in early November, our 2011 show season will have conservatively added up to some 21 days away from home. That’s 21 days either at shows themselves or traveling to or from them. As anyone that spends much time away from the comforts of…

Trailer packing today

Can you smell the excitement?! I suspect the primary thing Kim and Jen can smell right now is the 5 months of dust coming off of all of our show supplies as they are brought out of storage at the Main Barn. Thank goodness for Swiffers and air compressors. All the show supplies – both…

Not so fast buster…

Apparently King Winter took issue with my cheek yesterday and here on the second day of the new season delivered a parting shot of his own. In the normal course of things a spring storm is something which we would have taken in stride. Alas, I was in a slightly awkward position at the time…