Doing some mop up

Bits and pieces from the brain of the CCNF blogger: The partially failed Turkey brining experiment nothwithstanding, I think it means that the just completed extended Thanksgiving weekend was a smashing success when the only thing I can complain about today is that my quads are still sore from hiking up to the top of…

Weaning gets under way.

The first batch of 2012 crias that were born back in May have now all been weaned and moved down from the Arena. As such, the Main Barn is temporally a bit of a whiney place again as the newly arrived weaners adapt to life without their dams. In our experience some are pretty much…

The plot thickens

The plot thickens

So while we will openly confess that our former white show girl, Pristine, was bred last year to Snowmass Matrix Majesty on a bit of whim-and-a-prayer, the result seen in the accompanying picture kind of speaks for itself (himself actually). Having bred her to SuperNova as a maiden in 2010, in what was one of…

Adventures in birthing

Adventures in birthing

What were you doing Wednesday morning @ 6AM? Personally, I was snuggled all nice and cozy underneath the quilt on our bed in that lovely state of semi-consciousness one gets to experience when you have already woken up but are just lying there thinking about the day ahead or perhaps, more importantly, nothing at all….