Seasons of Change

Seasons of Change

We lost Jen’s Dad, Rodney Croft, this past December. While we know that the mortal coil waits for all of us, as the first of our four parents to leave us (and far too early, at the age of 76), Rod’s sudden death was a real gut punch. Given our line of work here on…

Weaner Time

Weaner Time

I hope everyone reading this has had a safe and enjoyable Holiday season given the challenges and realities of the world as it currently stands. The most recent (and in relative terms, welcome) drama around these parts, was going from having 41″ of snow fall on 12/17, leading to what could have potentially been the…

Winter, actually.

Amazing what a difference in one’s perception 3″ to 4″ of snow can make, no? After coming home from our family trip on the 8th to find the landscape here completely brown and grey, the recent cold and the back to back mini storms of late last week have now put things back, visually at…