Twitterbits & pieces

March was actually behaving well…like March today. I suppose if we just closed our eyes and pretended that the snow on the ground had been here since December or January instead of arriving just 5 days ago it wouldn’t be all that different from other years, at least at a glance. Having said that though, we had some folks here yesterday looking at pet boys that also do some sugaring as part of their small farming operation and they were saying that the maple trees were already budding out quite a bit because of the unseasonably warm weather over the past couple of months. It remains to be seen what affect that all ends up having on the local maple crop this year but it’s probably not going to be positive.

Jen and Kim found themselves getting started with the training regimen for our 15+ rookie show animals over the last couple of days, snow and mud be damned. One young female this afternoon was so flummoxed  by the prospect of being hooked up with a halter and lead that she decided it would be fun to alligator roll in the rather soupy door yard of the Main Barn. She looks kinda different now. Is Indefinite Muddy a color classification under AOBA show rules? We’ll all no doubt be walking newly trained juvis by the end of the week but for now I am happy to leave the round pen work to those members of the team with far more patience than yours truly.

Lastly for today you might notice that in the right hand side bar of the blog’s front page you can now see the last 5 entries from my Twitter feed. Quite honestly I don’t usually tweet more than a couple of times a week but every now and then I’ll rattle of several in a row. You never know: now that I know the tweets will actually appear here as well (they had been automatically cross-posting to the farm’s Facebook page) I may start to use it a bit more. Can I be both boring, cynical, obnoxious, smart ass, and grammatically incorrect in 140 characters or less? Do I like rhetorical questions? In any case many thanks as always to my friend and website/blog guru Terry Miller of Snowshoe Farm Alpacas for responding in quick order to my churlish requests for ideas and changes on the site! Of course if you want to see the entire Twitter feed in all it’s um, glory, you need just click here!