Welcome, little one…

The first cria of 2014 (Snowmass Conopa's Kahuna x CCNF Golden Bliss) enjoys a nurse off of her mama and then a nap. Life is good.
The first cria of 2014 (Snowmass Conopa’s Kahuna x CCNF Golden Bliss) enjoys a nurse off of her mama and then a nap. Life is good.

So after several weeks of being on cria watch, we finally had the first baby of 2014 born here yesterday afternoon! And, yes, if you’re wondering: we do still get excited every time a new cria arrives!  The mom in question, Golden Bliss, had almost always historically gone into labor 2 to 3 weeks shy of her due date, so suffice it to say that we were quite pleased that she decided to keep this one to herself a wee bit longer this time around. It’s always easier when the crias are fully cooked as they say!

Blissy has had a somewhat challenging reproductive history and just shy of her 10th birthday, this is in fact the first live female cria that she has ever blessed us with. Bliss’s dam, 4P Amanda, was a super-fine vicuña marked import that first joined our herd way back in 2002 and though Amanda had several sons, Bliss (whose daddy was Legacy Gold) was likewise her lone female offspring we ever had born here. Now we finally have the new female scion from that maternal line that we have all been waiting for! I feel a CCNF Amanda coming on in the naming department. She can join our special little club with mini-Pachelbel, mini-Tessora, mini-Elizabeth, min-Prestige, and mini-Jesusa all of whom were likewise named in honor of their famous, prepotent, and alas – now deceased, granddams.

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