Show Prep 101, Part 2

This is the second part of an article which originally appeared in the fall 2006 issue of the Cas-Cad-Nac Farm Chronicles newsletter. The post below has been updated, revised, and edited to bring it in line with current practices and show rules. I also changed some wording which I found annoying. The original author will…

Show Prep 101, Part 1

Show Prep 101, Part 1

It has occurred to me lately that given the time of year it would be good to post something dealing with the topic of show preparation. That is after all, in one form or another, what most of our late winters and early springs have been taken up with for the past eleven years (we…

Chipping away

So what were the odds of us hitting another pot hole and wrecking another tire on our Prius? Pretty slim I would say but we still managed to do it again. On another date night no less. Is our Toyota a prude, passing moral judgement on us?  It only took us 15 minutes this time…

Grab your ice skates boys and girls (and maybe your life preserver too) and tie your hats down!

Grab your ice skates boys and girls (and maybe your life preserver too) and tie your hats down!

I’ve already had to reboot my computer three times while trying to get even this dopey little post written because the power keeps flicking on and off. Sheesh. I am a stubborn fool though. We know it’s windy out when we can hear the gusts buffeting this house. Built just under two years ago the house…