Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

Aside from the fact that there may be some fuses lit later tonight, today is really just another midsummer’s day here at CCNF. We did finally have our first cria born in over a week early yesterday morning. It always makes us a little nervous when there are no births coming at regular intervals as…

Royal Ring of Fire

Royal Ring of Fire

Just a quick one on this gloriously rainy — it makes the grass grow and takes the dust out of the show animals’ fleeces, it’s all good — Sunday morning to say that the stud fee on CCNF Royal Ring of Fire has been adjusted downward for the first time ever. What that means is…

Mop-up duty

The cria-making season is quickly winding down here. I can tell you with some assurance that the final scheduled breeding of 2011 will be on December 1st. There are however a couple of females we may end up having to make exceptions for beyond that date because of some special circumstances. All things being equal…

Close only counts in bocce, horse shoes, and hand grenades: fiber boys at CCNF

Close only counts in bocce, horse shoes, and hand grenades: fiber boys at CCNF

For years we have felt that non-breeding alpaca males are the natural by-product of a serious breeding program. While everyone must of course use their own standard when evaluating young boys (and sometimes older boys too), we generally feel that if we are really asking ourselves whether a given male is a legitimate Herdsire prospect…