The calm after the storm

It’s been more than 20 days since I last posted anything here on the farm blog. Twenty days that were busy and filled almost completely with good things, though there is undeniable relief in this family, that the craziness that the month of April always throws our way has passed yet again. I walked up…

An Alpaca Show Odyssey

An Alpaca Show Odyssey

The Crib Notes Version Some quick takeaways from the past 9 days while traveling to and from the Futurity: 1. Man can not survive on Krispy Kreme Donuts alone. At least not long term. For driving cross-country though, they’re just perfect. As Sammy pointed out as we were pulling into KC after a full day…

Thank You Priority!

We arrived home at midday today to find that all was more or less calm on the farm. This after being away at the Priority sale in Las Vegas since Wednesday of last week. I’m now sitting here contemplating the weekend that just was while the snow quietly falls outside (they’re saying we could get…

Taking stock

Taking stock

With our return home this past Sunday evening from the Vermont show, we concluded four straight weekends of alpaca events. Though fun throughout, the last three weekends have involved Jen and I being away from home three days of each week and sleeping in hotel beds of variable quality. At least Sam and Max were…