Knackered but happy

Man, was it ever nice to actually sleep through last night here at home, even if the residual adrenaline of the road trip did initially keep me up past my normal bedtime. At some point on Monday evening as my friend Ryen Munro and I were driving our way back home through the cornfields of…

Prepping for the big haul.

Ah, the thrill of a jaunt out to Grand Island, Nebraska. I’ve heard  it’s grand. After all it’s in the name isn’t it? I’m expecting big things: fresh midwestern air, great restaurants, and exciting nightlife…what’s that? Oh. We’ve literally been planning this one for months with our friends at Tripping Gnome Farm — we caravan…


Well I hadn’t intended to go almost a week without posting anything here but then life and the NAAS kind of took over. After unloading the trailer last night at the Main Barn, we managed to actually walk/stumble through the door here at home around 8:15 or so. Not bad considering that as late as…

Empire state of mind

Empire state of mind

I really do enjoy being at alpaca shows once we’re there at a given event, all setup and actually doing our thing. Not only is showing alpacas perhaps the easiest marketing exposure one can get but the opportunities to hang out with friends and network with other breeders, both new and experienced alike, are really…

All In

Well, that was fun! We got home last night after a weekend away at the Green Mountain show in Essex Jct., just a short hour and forty minute drive north of us. Though we obviously take pride in our show results (2 Champions, 3 Reserves) what was even more gratifying than winning colored nylon was…