If it’s Thursday it’s trailer packing time!

Remember all that stuff we put away when we got home from Fort Wayne and Nationals back in May? Me neither.

That’s right boys and girls: fall show season is here! It looks as though the weather gods are going to take some pity on us and let us (in the interest of full disclosure, that’s the “us” that is 95% Jen)  pack the trailer before a Nor’easter comes in and opens up a full deluge some time tomorrow. What does this mean? Well for starters I guess we shouldn’t hear any whining about fleeces being too dry. Instead we will whine about fleeces being too wet. We’re Yankees, it’s what we do.

In any case it’s time to bust out the fans (and hope we’ve got 8 that still work), the hay bags, the brooms, the water buckets, the travel banners, and the show display. It’ll take roughly a full packet of Swiffer heads getting the layer of dust off of our show chairs that have been in deep storage for several months but nothing a little elbow grease can’t make right. The one (only?) genuinely good thing that I can say for the almost ubiquitous PVC piping that we use for our large 8′ x 4′  banners is that it stays in the trailer throughout the year.  No need to go searching for it!

For all of that we are genuinely looking forward to the first show of the season which, amongst its many other positives, is that fact that it take place in Essex, VT, all of a 90 minute drive north. There is also an undeniable sense of community in the New England alpaca world and it will be nice to catch up with everyone again after the long summer.  If you are going, we’ll see you there…

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