It’s raining it’s pouring…

…the alpacas locked outside aren’t snoring (I know it’s too many syllables, so sue me). They are however getting the layer of dust and static electricity taken out of their show fleeces! What does it say that in these circumstances the female show critters are all outside eating hay and just chilling in their paddocks while the males, and particularly the juvis, are huddled as close to the  barn as possible whining like a bunch of mama’s boys? Hmm. In any case, lest we forget what part of the world we are living in there is a weather advisory calling for 1″ hail coming in just north of us in an hour or two. Fingers crossed we just stay wet (and no, we will not leave them locked out in hail).

Old friend and co-conspirator Ryen Munro arrives tonight with his load of Futurity-bound critters with the plan for the big double load-up early tomorrow morning.

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