Merry Christmas!

Christmas band at CCNF

Merry Christmas everybody! To those of you of other persuasions, enjoy the proverbial Chinese food and the empty movie theaters, I hear that’s pretty great too!

We’re gathered here with the extended Lutz family from Cambridge, MA (my mom and dad) and NYC (sister, brother, and two nieces) taking in the whole occasion. The kids must be getting just a little bit older as they held off until almost 6:45 this morning before coming down seeking their stockings. There are plans afoot later for a scandalously (according to my pop) spiral cut party ham amongst other culinary goodies. Not wanting to forget other Christmas traditions, I will of course be getting my ass royally kicked on the backgammon board before the day is out by my older sibling. It’s character building I’m told.

As I type this the kids and my brother in law, John, are down in the basement of the house playing Deck the Halls on guitar (John), piano (our niece Eve), viola (Max), and cello (Sam). Given that my personal musical talents begin and end with a bad version of Chopsticks, I’m mightily impressed. Combined with the snow squall that started about an hour ago the mood is well and truly set! I hope you and yours have a wonderful day wherever you may be…

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