Reunited at home

All are back home safe and sound from our various adventures due south and west. I can tell from the fact that it took me several minutes just to compose that first sentence that my energy level is not exactly back up to full power yet. We are officially in drool mode. Jen, Ryen, Isabella,…

They’re off!

They’re off!

Not sure what the rest of you good people out there were doing this morning at 5AM?  We thought we’d get the day started with a bang by loading 52 alpacas into trailers. Fortunately we were able to take turns backing each rig up to the central alley of the Main Barn and more or…

Not so fast buster…

Apparently King Winter took issue with my cheek yesterday and here on the second day of the new season delivered a parting shot of his own. In the normal course of things a spring storm is something which we would have taken in stride. Alas, I was in a slightly awkward position at the time…