Empire state of mind

Empire state of mind

I really do enjoy being at alpaca shows once we’re there at a given event, all setup and actually doing our thing. Not only is showing alpacas perhaps the easiest marketing exposure one can get but the opportunities to hang out with friends and network with other breeders, both new and experienced alike, are really…

Happy to pay the pros!

While I don’t know what I might be doing with my life right now were we not running this farm, there is one thing I can say unequivocally that it would not be: hauling alpacas for a living. Much as it pains me to contemplate it, perhaps I am starting to show my age just…

Not amused

Not amused

We are Yankees, we are a complaining people. It’s in our blood. Leaving aside the fact that our town had finally come in and graded the road we live on from the bottom of the hill where it begins all the way to our mailbox, this is just tedious. That was supposed to mark the…

I miss my coffee…

Sorry but this has NOTHING to do with alpacas. I have to cut back my coffee? Really? *@@#%%%!!! This is what happens when you go and get a checkup.  All right, so maybe 4 daily large mugs of high-test was a bit much. As a relatively healthy 39 year old I had avoided going to…