Summer daze

Random mutterings on a Tuesday afternoon: It is believed around these parts that when the Goldenrod starts to emerge on the roadsides and in the fields, that it is a sure sign that summer is winding down. Of course that’s just one sign of many. I must admit that I gave a great incredulous sigh the other…

All together now…

All together now…

We woke up this morning to a winter wonderland. Though it was difficult to tell exactly how much snow last night’s blizzard had left us because of the wind having blown it all over the place, it sure felt like +/- 18″. Let’s put it this way: the snow drifts were so severe that our…

This is not a drill…

I love the idea of being one of those people who is always getting their work done in a timely manner and not pressing up against any deadlines. Yeah, well…it’s something to aspire to anyway, right? As it is, I’m sitting here in my office on Tuesday night printing out marketing materials for our females,…

The blockhead in winter

We’re grateful to those of you who often come up to me or Jen and mention how much you enjoy reading this blog. I have to say that I’m always amused by the small percentage of people who can’t imagine that I’m the one sitting behind the keyboard on this little enterprise of ours. Don’t…