Lonely boys…

I can often measure the hormonal maturation process of our yearling males anecdotally, just by looking out of my office window. In the spring, when those feed groups of young boys (we usually have at least 2 different ones) are still just approaching their respective 1st birthdays, there is of course the odd jostling here…

Settling in…

As I write this on early Friday afternoon there is technically snow falling outside of my office window. Though I am an enthusiastic alpine skier, I can’t claim to be totally happy about this. I suspect my psychological state, at least this time of the year, consistently lags behind the local climactic reality by at…

The end is near

The end is near

No, not that end. Nor that one. I’m just talking about the end of the birthing season here! With the final 9 expectant females all in the same feed group together up at the Arena, we can actually visualize it too. Of course if we were smart, we would have bred all of our females…

Final weaning

Final weaning

It got a little bit whiney around here the other day. With shearing completed early last week, it was finally time to wean the last 12 crias (8 males, 4 females) from the 2012 birth class! Fitting, I suppose, that they should leave the confines of the Arena just prior to the arrival up there…

The running of the alpacas!

httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdatWfe5cMA As of right now, the entire south side of the CCNF Arena, which normally houses 100+ animals during the colder months of the year, is completely empty! Jen and Kim spent this morning assembling two large groups of females from that barn which sits atop the farm here. The feed groups’ mission: to rotationally…